Customer Service Strategy
We are committed to providing high quality security services and delivering high standards of customer service - as a customer of UPS you can expect the highest level of service and to be considered and treated fairly.
We treat our clients as individuals and assess your needs on that basis.
We will always respect your confidentiality.
We will meet your expectations wherever possible and provide a full explanation if for some reason we are unable to do so.
We will always ensure we are friendly and assessable, and treat all of our business partners as we would expect to be treated.
We will provide a quality service and work continually to improve this service.
Occupational Health & Safety
We are committed to providing healthy and safe work environments for all persons involved in our business activities. Through a process of continuous improvement we will continue to develop our occupational health & safety management system (OHSMS) with a focus on the reduction of illness and injury for all employees and other persons.
We observe, implement and fulfil our requirements under the OHS Act 2004, relevant OHS regulations and other health & safety requirements to which we subscribe. The basis of our OHSMS is the systematic identification of hazards, assessment and control of all OHS risks.
Consultation with all persons involved in our business activities forms a fundamental part of the health and safety management process, and can encourage innovative means of reducing OHS risk in the work environment.
The active involvement of managers, supervisors and employees to ensure the safety of all persons is encouraged and promoted. As a leading security partner we recognise the importance and value of ensuring our people receive the appropriate health and safety training. All staff as well as contractors and visitors will receive the relevant safety training required for them to undertake their work competently and safely.
Our organisation also recognises the important role of safety leadership in promoting positive attitudes in all staff safety systems and processes. In recognition of this management will demonstrate a visible commitment to health and safety to motivate, educate and support line managers and staff.